You will need to negotiate a licence agreement before using any sound recordings or music videos by Brooke Russell or Brooke Russell and The Mean Reds. Please send any request to license sound recordings or videos by email. We consider and negotiate licences on a case-by-case basis having regard to your proposed use of our sound recordings or videos.
You may be able to licence sound recordings on a non-exclusive basis for a range of uses, including synchronisation licences (eg films, computer games and audio-visual presentations); compilation licences; communication to the public licences (eg transmission in media such as television, radio, internet or mobile devices) and public performance (eg playing music videos and sound recordings in public places, such as commercial premises).
Once we have considered your request, we may provide a quote which will be subject to contract and any other formal clearances (such as artist approval, as applicable). If agreement is reached on the terms, we will issue you with a formal licence agreement for signing.
Please note:
A separate licence is required in relation to the use of musical works and lyrics embodied in sound recordings and music videos by Brooke Russell or Brooke Russell and The Mean Reds. You will need to contact the relevant music publisher or APRA in Australia or APRA’s affiliates in other countries where the use will take place) to obtain the necessary publishing licence(s).
In relation to certain types of public performance and communication to the public, you may also approach the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA) which non-exclusively offers licences which cover recordings owned or controlled by Brooke Russell(together with the catalogues of other record companies and recording artists) eg. licences for broadcasting, music on hold and playing music in commercial premises.
We may revise these Direct Licensing Guidelines from time to time.